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RGB (Russian Geopolitical Blackmail) 2023

RGB (Russian Geopolitical Blackmail),
Galerii Metropol 6 m2 & Metropol Kapp, Tallinn, Estonia, 2023
Red, green and blue tape, an acrylic painting on desktop screen (32,5 x 52)

One Morning At Maria’s Kitchen (Eräänä aamuna Marian keittiössä) 2019 & 2021

One Morning At Maria’s Kitchen,
Arteground Baltic Art Festival, City gallery of Viljandi, Estonia, 2019
A table, a wooden egg, a glass of spilt acrylic milk, an iPad, an artificial flower, wallpaper, an acrylic and oil painting on canvas (80 x 30 cm), neon pink acrylic paint, 230 x 50 cm.


One Morning At Maria’s Kitchen,
90-jubilee exhibition of Vyborg Artists’ Association, Cable Factory, Helsinki, 2021
A carpet, a pair of slippers, a chair, a table, a wooden egg, a glass of spilt acrylic milk, an iPad, an artificial flower, and acrylic and oil painting on canvas (80 x 30), neon pink acrylic paint and tape

Power (Valta) 2016-2017

Arteground goes home-project
Installation in a private apartment in Viljandi, Estonia, 2017

A pair of shoes, a carpet, a chair, a clock,
a painting on canvas (Power, 75 x 125, 2016),
neon yellow paint and tape.

The Event Horizon (Tapahtumahorisontti) 2018

The Event Horizon,
Jetty Barracks Gallery, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
An acrylic and oil painting on a TV screen, a TV stand, an armchair, a carpet, a remote control, painted fast food packages and maple leaves.

Miracle Tree 2017

Miracle Tree,
Gallery Katariina, Helsinki, Finland, 2017
An oil painting on a TV screen (Laura Palmer from tv-series Twin Peaks),
a TV stand, an armchair, a carpet, a plant, led-lamps, christmas baubles,
a cigarette box, an ashtray, cigarette butts.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Narsistinen persoonallisuushäiriö) 2010

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Narsistinen persoonallisuushäiriö)
Jetty Barracks Gallery, Helsinki, Finland, 2010
Oil and acrylic on plywood
(2 cubes made out of plywood, à 90 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm),
2 mirrors

Victory Days (Voiton päivät)